Gertek (new 2021 version)

I have decided again to upload My songs to Youtube. Due to this, that I am blind try present It, how It be. Ofcourse, sound and My photo. But, I don’t want to explain You, how to upload music to Youtube, if You are blind, like me.

It was 2013 and I have one dream. This dream was so great, but I haven’t nothing to get something, like emotion of this dream to music. But, in this day I started to have something, like inspiration on My head. It is difficult to explain It to me. It was one rhythm, which was very similar to Balkan, or Klezmer rhythm. It was 3+2+3 rhythm, very similar to Freilach, althought Freilach is mostly 3+3+2. I have named It ‘Gertek’, I don’t know, why. One motiff was in My head, but after some years I have made remake of this song.

Composition of this song

First is something, like hungarian Halgató, or romanian Doina. It is slow playing on cimbalom and clarinet. Clarinet is improvising on something, which can be, like Klezmer tune.

After this composition clarinet is starting again, but accordion is next instrument, like leader and guide. Nextly, another musical instruments, such as contra (folk viola), double bass and violin will played.

Next part is something, like fast polka madness. Playing viola will sometimes imitating chirping bird. After this part a main theme has reappeared.

One last note

Those musical instruments are not real musical instruments. Try guess, which musical instrument I have used.

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